The Network GerCoLiNet consists of four staged, coherent phases in the period June 2021-June 2022.
– Phase 1: a 1-day online workshop – UNIMI – 8.6.2021: “Introduction to corpus linguistics”; preparation for the 2nd project phase: summer school in Paris;
– Phase 2: summer school in Paris – SU – 8-10.7.2021: “Potential of European corpora for linguistic questions: Theory – Methodology – Applications”. Incl. “Research Discussion Groups”;
Summer School_Paris_Program
Research Discussion Groups – Harmonogram
– Phase 3: winter School at the University of Warsaw – UW – 13-15.1.2022: “Lexicology and Lexicography in Practice in European Comparison: Theory and Empiricism in German and Comparative Languages”. Incl. short presentations by the participating students.
Trans-university student groups of GerCoLiNet: HERE
Programme: GerCoLiNet_Winter School
– Phase 4: “MA Students and PhD Study Day” in European networking at the Charles University in Prag – 27.06.2022 (coordination: UNIMI + UCPH + CU)
Since Summer Term 2023
– Phase 5: joint European linguistic Masters Seminar with a focus on “Corpus Linguistics and Kontrastive Linguistics”.
Partners: Copenhagen, Milan, Prag, Warsaw – in collaboration with the University of Lorraine (Nancy, Frankreich). Flyer HERE.